
Facilitate a COVID-19 Samaritan-Semu Nsibirwa

by Africa MArt
Created May 07, 2020 | Uganda
UGX 332,000.00 raised of UGX 1,000,000.00 goal 33.20%
  • 7 Donations
  • No deadline
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Mid March 2020, i read in one of the newspapers that an ICT engineer, Semu Nsibirwa was disinfecting Entebbe hospital, police stations at own cost
According to him, when the first COVID19 patient was admitted at Entebbe hospital, he decided that he would drive to Entebbe from Kampala every day to provide disinfection services as part of his contribution.
Nsibirwa also received requests from police stations Lubowa, Kajjansi and Nkumba to help them disinfect their premises. He therefore had to increase the amount of the disinfectant from 60litres to 80 litres and add more time in the afternoon for the exercise.

Using his personal income, Nsibirwa disinfected the three places for the last 22 days and had already spent over 3.3 million Shillings in total. He spends Shillings 150,000 each day on fuel and disinfectants.

On Sunday 9th May 2020, I called him to thank him for the great work and to encourage him.
I know most of us would like to do something to help in this pandemic, but we are locked in our houses.

How about we give Semu a hand so that he can do this job better since he still needs materials to use.
I have launched this campaign to call upon all friends and well wishers who feel touched and would like part of the blessing and facilitation to Semu, feel free to contribute however small if is.
  • Serwano
    Serwano donated Shs100,000

    God bless you

  • Sandra
    Sandra donated Shs10,000
  • Benard Mujuni
    Benard Mujuni donated Shs100,000

    I support Nsibilwa

  • Isaac Kyesswa, Nsumba LC1
    Isaac Kyesswa, Nsumba LC1 donated Shs20,000
  • Ron Mbowa Ssaalongo
    Ron Mbowa Ssaalongo donated Shs50,000
  • Dickson Mushabe
    Dickson Mushabe donated Shs50,000

    Thank you Semu for this noble gesture. Please receive my humble facilitation and May God bless you.

  • Banana Charity
    Banana Charity donated Shs2,000

    this is a test payment

  • Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to report that on behalf of Dolphin Fund, I have delivered your donations to Nsibirwa Semu the gentleman that has been disinfecting Entebbe Regional Referral hospital (The major hospital treating #COVID19 patients in Uganda).
    Your contribution has helped him buy more disinfectants to continue with the noble cause of keeping the hospital safe for everyone. Thank you for making this possible through your contributions

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