
Reaching out to the Needy

Created Jun 03, 2020 | Banga -Nakiwogo in Entebbe
UGX 0.00 raised of UGX 5,000,000.00 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
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My husband and I have an NGO whose objective is to help the needy. We identified a need for a school in our community (Banga -Nakiwogo in Entebbe) some years back and decided to start one. It started as a free school but with time we introduced some charges. Currently school fees is an average of 200,000per term (everything is provided on this money eg books, pens, pencils, food). With this amount of fees, it can never be enough to run the school. The pupil population is 230 but we have around 50 of them on either full or half bursaries
We have qualified teachers who offer the best. Our challenge has always been salaries but we try our best to raise them on time from our other sources of income.
Bse of COVID, some of our income streams closed and we have not been able to pay our teachers salaries. Being that they don't have any other source of income, it is really tough for them. We have 20staff.
The school is 10years but in a humble setting (temporary structures - wood and iron sheets, soil floors etc)

Also most of our pupils come from very needy families. And being near the Nakiwogo landing site, the rising water levels have also made matters worse. Some of our parents have been displaced.
Some come to us asking for help (atleast a meal a day)

At the beginning of May, we were able to reach out to 115families in our community(gave each 9kgs of posho)

Up to today we have a number coming to ask for relief.

Would be happy if we got people to stand with us to support our teachers, pupils and Banga -Nakiwogo community at large

Thank you
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