
Support vendor businesses to bounce back

by Kyusa
Created May 11, 2020 | Kampala
UGX 190,000.00 raised of UGX 10,000,000.00 goal 1.90%
  • 4 Donations
  • No deadline
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Kyusa supports early start-up entrepreneurs in low income communities such as urban slums, rural areas and refugee camps. We support the creation, improve the survival rate and accelerate the growth of micro and small enterprises (MSE). We provide business support services that enable entrepreneurs develop personal skills, business competencies, support networks and access to market opportunities.

Our mission is to stimulate job creation by identifying and empowering entrepreneurial youth to turn their passions into profitable, scalable and sustainable enterprises. We provide leadership and business development support services that enable young people to successfully start and grow their businesses.

With the sudden issuing of the lock down in Uganda, a lot of the young women and youth we support were not ready and have thus been affected in so many ways. We currently have registered +100 alumni through the alumni groups that are in dire need of micro grants to bounce back after the lock down.

On an average the micro grants are worth 100,000UGX for each of these small vendors to bounce back into business. Considering they are daily income earners, they will be able to fend for their families once they get into business. The range of businesses to be supported include fruit vendors, food vendors, basic needs vendors, mobile saloon service providers, mobile grocery businesses, market vendors, snack businesses among others that can make the most of the requested amount.

Overall we are seeking to raise 10,000,000 UGX to support the initial 100 entrepreneurs that we have on our waiting list although the list keeps growing by the day. Our desire is to be able to do this as soon as the lock down is waivered which we suspect will be in the next two to four weeks.

I know that times are tough but we are stronger than this storm that stands before us!

About Kyusa:
  • Muhammed Dimma Mawejje
    Muhammed Dimma Mawejje donated Shs20,000

    We can make it

  • Frank Waiswa
    Frank Waiswa donated Shs50,000
  • Samali Acham
    Samali Acham donated Shs100,000
  • Dennis Kakeeto
    Dennis Kakeeto donated Shs20,000

    Thank you Noeline for the wonderful work and for empowering startups.

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