Medical, Illness & Healing

Fundraising money for Eye Spects

by Robert Lubega Ddungu
Created Jul 29, 2022 | Kampala
UGX 0.00 raised of UGX 750,000.00 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
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I am Robert Lubega Ddungu, my eyes have a sight problem. i.e I need to get new plastic Spects from Mengo hospital Eye department. Because the one am putting on have weakened, am just stressing the eyes. The frame and the lenses for the Spects have weakened. Therefore, I need to get new plastic Spects from Mengo hospital because they are everlasting. I need 750000 Ugx for buying new Plastic Spects i.e 50000 Ugx for consultation, 450000 Ugx for plastic lenses and 250000 Ugx for frame. I humbly request for your financial help so that, I can get new plastic Spects. Thanks so much. For any information needed, these are my contact number: +256753674809 / +256773674809. Robert Lubega Ddungu.
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