Medical, Illness & Healing

Fundraising for surgery.

by Amulo Sharon alexa
Created Aug 25, 2020 | Kansanga kampala
5,000.00 raised of 36,000,000.00 goal 0.01%
  • 1 Donation
  • No deadline
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My name is Amulo Sharon Alexa and am here to fundraise for my husband kizito David to help him go for surgery to fix his left arm.
On 3rd June he and two other friends accompanied one of their friends, deceased now to dokolo lira Uganda to bury his grandfather,on 4th June which was the next day they were traveling back to kampala and their car lost control overturned and rolled for 130 metres and they were involved in atraggic accident leaving one person dead, luckily enough my husband was among the survivors but he broke his left arm and he was diagnosed with brachial flexus injury which led to damage of the radial and ulna nerves,damage of triceps, complicated fracture of the femur bone.
His fingers are paralyzed ,he can't touch or feel them.
His hand has become so thin and as a result he has lost his esteem,he only has the right hand functional and all these years I have been his support system to do things.
After all these years he is still languishing in pain,he depends on pain killers and massages for relief but all this is short lived as the pain keeps coming back.his dream is to one day have his hand functional again because professionally he is an artist and so needs both of his hands so that he can get to work again. Iam calling upon family, friends and we'll wishes to help us raise funds so that he goes for surgery and physiotherapy,thank you all.
  • Aaron
    Aaron donated Shs5,000

    We thank the lord for his life. May he restore him to full health

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