Medical, Illness & Healing

Bone Marrow Transplant for Stuart

by Mukono Custein Robinson
Created Jan 22, 2024 | Uganda
UGX 0.00 raised of UGX 150,000,000.00 goal 0.00%
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  • Hey everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Wassajja Stuart Ssuuna, and I want to share a bit of my journey with you. Last year, I was diagnosed with leukemia, and it was a tough time for me. I had to undergo chemotherapy, and it meant missing a lot of school days. But you know what? I didn't let it bring me down.
I fought hard, and I managed to get back on my feet. In April, I was discharged from the hospital, but it came with the condition of routine observation. Fast forward to November, and we found out that the leukemia came back, stronger than before. The doctors say that a bone marrow transplant is my best shot at beating this thing.
Now, here's where I need your help. The cost of the transplant in India is $50,000(150m Uganda Shilling), and that's a huge amount. I know it's a lot, but with your support, I believe we can make it happen. Despite missing so many school days, I managed to score well, and I'm now in Form 4. My dream is to grow up and become a software developer. I'm not letting this illness get in the way of my dreams, and I know with your help, I can make them come true.
I'm reaching out to you because I can't do this alone. I need your support, your kindness, and your generosity. Join hand with me, my family, friends and Strangers as we raise the $50,000 needed for my bone marrow transplant. Every little bit counts, and together, we can give me a chance at a healthy future.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and thank you in advance for your support.
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